Writing with the James Webb Space Telescope

Ever since NASA began releasing images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, I’ve become reacquainted with my child self’s way of thinking about space–how every Milky Way diorama, every glow in the dark star sticker affixed to the ceiling, every classroom poster of those dusty, celestial bodies evoked deep wonder. Part of the joy […]

A Mentor Text for Place-Based Storytelling

Photo by Zac Ong on Unsplash During the last couple of years of teaching, making mini-zines has been a highlight.  An 8-page zine has been a go-to method for helping students shrink a narrative down to accessible compactness.  As my students plot environmental stories culminating in a call to action, the details associated with specific […]

Writing Flash Fiction: Environmental Ghost Stories

In last month’s post, I described how writing flash stories helped my students process the contents of an informational text.  As we turned to a news article about a disturbed landscape, I wondered: How could recasting the details of a news article in the form of a flash ghost story help students understand its implications?  […]

Fostering Environmental Storytelling: Making an Eco-Zine

The question—What kind of access to environmental news stories do we have?— is one that arouses concern in my classroom.  According to my high school students, unless you’re taking an AP Environmental Science class, chances are slim that climate change is being addressed, let alone mentioned.  This is troubling for students who are mindful of […]